Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Artist. Collage is my medium of choice. I'm fascinated by the idea of appropriating images I come across and combining them in artful ways. I believe images can gain strength when part of a group, providing an atmosphere in which new/creative/thoughtful associations and connections can be made among the elements within the collage. It's the Gestalt theory: the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. Multiple meanings can be drawn from the same collection of images.

(Future) Art Educator. I believe art should be accessible to everyone. The whole entire world. It is a way to find our place, to explore new places, to question, to discover, to bring to light, to bring together, to tease apart. I've chosen to pursue my license as an elementary art teacher because I love the way children embrace the art-making process, uninhibited, excited, and confident. As an educator, I hope to cultivate and celebrate that attitude, while helping to hone my student's awareness about what art is and what it can do.